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《chiaasen.stormyweather》|总人气: 19| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

       On August 23, the day before the hurricane struck, Max and Bonnie Lamb awoke early, made love twice and rode the shuttle bus to Disney World. That evening they returned to the Peabody Hotel, showered separately, switched on the cable news and saw that the storm was heading directly for the southeastern tip of Florida. The TV weatherman warned that it was the fiercest in many years.  Max Lamb sat at the foot of the bed and gazed at the color radar image-a ragged flame-colored sphere, spinning counterclockwise toward the coast. He said, "Jesus, look at that."  A hurricane, Bonnie Lamb thought, on our honeymoon! As she slipped under the shee

