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the peterkin papers

the peterkin papers

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《the peterkin papers》|总人气: 65| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Peterkin Papers By Lucretia P. HaleMrs. Peterkin Puts Salt into Her Coffee.Dedicated To Meggie (The Daughter of The Lady From Philadelphia) To Whom These Stories Were First ToldThe Peterkin Papers By Lucretia P. HalePreface to The Second Edition of The Peterkin PapersTHE first of these stories was accepted by Mr. Howard M. Ticknor for the "Young Folks." They were afterwards continued in numbers of the "St. Nicholas."A second edition is now printed, containing a new paper, which has never before been published, "The Peterkins at the Farm."It may be remembered that the Peterkins originally hesitated about publishing their Family Papers,

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