《11-a simplified alphabet》



11-a simplified alphabet- 第2部分

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something pleasant and engaging about the mathematical signs when

we do not understand them。  The mystery hidden in these things

has a fascination for us: we can't come across a printed page of

shorthand without being impressed by it and wishing we could read


Very well; what I am offering for acceptance and adopting is

not shorthand; but longhand; written with the SHORTHAND ALPHABET

UNREACHED。  You can write three times as many words in a minute

with it as you can write with our alphabet。  And so; in a way; it

IS properly a shorthand。  It has a pleasant look; too; a

beguiling look; an inviting look。  I will write something in it;

in my rude and untaught way:  'Figure 8'

Even when _I_ do it it comes out prettier than it does in

Simplified Spelling。  Yes; and in the Simplified it costs one

hundred and twenty…three pen…strokes to write it; whereas in the

phonographic it costs only twenty…nine。

'Figure 9' is probably 'Figure 10'。

Let us hope so; anyway。

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