


魔法英语同步阅读(初二)- 第5部分

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    A。 A tiger; a baby horse and some cats  B。 A monkey; a baby cat and some mice    
    C。 Polly; an elephant and some birds  D。 A fox; a baby panda and some small animals    

Unit 5  Shall we go to the zoo?Passage 3  完形填空

    One day a little mouse was thirsty。 She looked around for water to drink。 She climbed up on a table。 And she saw a bottle on the table。The mouth of the bottle was 1。 The little mouse looked inside the bottle。“Aha; there is 2 milk in it。 That’s great。” She went into     
    it and drank。    
    She drank and drank。 After a moment she had drunk enough。 Her stomach was too big and she couldn’t come 3 the bottle。 She cried for help。Just then a cat came up to the table。 4 he heard the cry the cat jumped onto the table so 5; “you will be my nice lunch。” The little mouse was very clever and she 6 for a moment and said;“Brother Cat; you mustn’t roll the bottle。”“7?” asked the cat。“I would get dizzy;” said the mouse。 The cat said that he would let her die 8。 So he began     
    to roll the bottle。 Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into 9。 The little mouse ran 10 as fast as she could。 When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her; the mouse had already gone into her home。    
    1。 thirsty adj。 口渴的    
    2。 stomach n。 胃    
    3。 roll v。 滚    
    4。 dizzy adj。 头晕目眩的    
    5。 die v。 死    
    (  )1。A。 big  B。 little  C。 large  D。 small    
    (  )2。A。 little  B。 a little  C。 few  D。 a few    
    (  )3。A。 into  B。 up  C。 out of  D。 down    
    (  )4。A。 When  B。 So  C。 Where  D。 Because    
    (  )5。A。 happy  B。 easy  C。 easily  D。 happily    
    (  )6。A。 cried  B。 thought  C。 stood  D。saw    
    (  )7。A。 When  B。 Where  C。 Why  D。 How    
    (  )8。A。 happily  B。 quickly  C。 quick  D。 easy    
    (  )9。A。 boxes  B。 glasses  C。 pieces  D。 cakes    
    (  )1。0A。 away  B。 out of  C。 into  D。 after    

Unit 5  Shall we go to the zoo?Passage 4   完成句子

    Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their life。    
    The Eskimos live near the North Pole。 There are only two seasons there; winter and summer。 There is no spring or autumn there。 The winter nights are long。 You can’t see the sun for more than two months; even at noon。 The summer days are long for more than two months; the sun never goes down and there is no night。    
    The Eskimos have warm clothes。 They make them from the skins of animals。    
    Near the North Pole trees can’t grow; for it is either too hot or too cold。 The Eskimos have to make their house from skins; stone or snow。 When they go out in a storm and can’t get back home; they make houses of snow。 They leave these houses when the storm is over。    
    1。 skin n。 皮    
    2。 the North Pole 北极    
    3。 have to 不得不    
    4。 storm n。 风暴    
    1。 The Eskimos have  seasons。 They are  and 。    
    2。 In winter; you can’t see the sun for   。    
    3。 The whole day is    night in summer。    
    4。 The  isn’t good for trees growing。    
    5。 The Eskimos make their clothes from the    andmake houses from ;  or 。    

Unit 5  Shall we go to the zoo?参考答案

    Passage 1。    
    1。 B根据第一段第三句可知,一些动物在做完事后常常能得到一些食物。    
    2。 A从第一段的最后一句可判断我们能教一些动物做些容易的活。    
    3。 D根据常识可判断大象能够干重活是因为它身体强壮。    
    4。 D狗看家的目的是保护家的安全。    
    5。 A从第二段第三句话可知科学家正试图让猴子开火车。    
    Passage 2。    
    1。 C从文章第二句可知今天天气很好,而sunny和fine是同义词。    
    2。 B由文章第二段可知,在跑和跳的有一匹马、一只熊猫、一只猫、一条狗、两只老虎。    
    3。 A爬树的是猴子。    
    4。 B这是动物运动会,当然有许多动物。    
    5。 D从文章最后一句可得出答案。    
    Passage 3。    
    2。 B老鼠高兴的原因是因为瓶里有些奶。a little是肯定意思,表示有一些,修饰不可数名词。    
    3ome out of the bottle表示“从瓶里出来”。    
    4。 Awhen引导时间状语从句,表示“当……的时候”。    
    5。 D副词happily作状语,修饰动词jumped。    
    10Arun away即“跑开、跑走”的意思。    
    Passage 4。    
    1。 two; summer; winter。 爱斯基摩人,也称为“因纽特人”,位于北极附近,从文章第二段可以看出,那里只有冬天和夏天两个季节。    
    2。 over two months。 从文章第二段可以看出,在冬天有两个多月看不见太阳。    
    3。 the day without。 从第二段最后一句可看出,北极附近夏天有两个多月太阳从不下落,没有黑夜,只有白天。    
    4。 weather。 第四段第一句说明天气太冷或太热,树木无法生长。    
    5。 skins of animals; skins; stones; snow。 从最后一段可知,因纽特人用动物的皮做衣服,用皮、石头或雪来搭房屋。

Unit 6   Find the right place!Passage 1  阅读理解一

    If you go into the forest with your friends; stay with them。 If you don’t; you may get lost。 If you do get lost; the following is what you should do。Sit down and stay where you are。 Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you。 You must stay in one place。You can also give them a signal by shouting or whistling three times。 Stop。 Then shout or whistle again。 Any signal given for three times is a call for help。    
    Keep up the shouting or whistling; always three times together。 When people hear you; they will know that you are not just making noise for fun。 They will let you know that they have heard you。 They will give two shouts; two whistles; or two gunshots。 When a signal is given twice; it is an answer to a call for help。If you don’t think you can get help before the night; try to use branches and leaves to make a little house; with the grass as a soft bed。    
    What should you do if you feel hungry or thirsty? You should leave your little house to look for ariver。 Don’t just walk away。 Remember to pick off small branches and drop them as you walk away so that you can find your way back to the house。    
    The most important thing is to stay in one place。    
    1。 signal n。信号    
    2。 whistle v。吹哨 n。口哨声    
    3。 gunshot n。枪响    
    4。 branch n。树枝    
    5。 soft adj。软和的    
    (  ) 1。What should you do if you get lost in the forest?    
    A。 You should walk around the forest and shout。    
    B。 You should stay where you are and give a signal three times。    
    C。 You should try to get out of the forest and shout for help。    
    D。 You should try to find your friends as soon as possible。    
    (  ) 2。How to make people believe that you are not just making noise for fun?    
    A。 You should shout at the top of your voice。    
    B。 You should shout or whistle once in a while。    
    C。 You should keep up the shouting or whistling; always three times together。    
    D。 You should shout that you are lost。    
    (  ) 3。When you hear  shouts or whistles or gunshots; you know that people can soon come to help you。    
    A。 two  B。 three  C。 four  D。 five    
    (  ) 4。When you arelost in the forest but you want to leave your place to find some water; you should 。    
    A。 just go to the river  B。 find a container and go to the river    
    C。 leave some marks on the road so that you can find your way back    
    D。 make a fire so that you can make some hot water    
    (  ) 5。The underlined word “twice” means 。    
    A。 one time  B。 two times  C。 three times  D。 more than two times    

Unit 6   Find the right place!Passage 2   阅读理解二

    When you are in England; you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left。 Before you cross a street; you must look to the right first and then the left。 In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work; the streets are very busy。 Traffic is the most dangerous then。    
    When you go by bus in England; you have to be careful; too。 Always remember the traffic moves on the left。 So you must be careful。 Have a look first; or you will go the wrong way。In many English cities; there are big buses with two floors。 You can sit on the second floor。 From there you can see the city very well。 It’s quite interesting。    
    1。 traffic n。交通    
    2。 cross v。穿过    
    (  ) 1。In England; the traffic moves 。    
    A。 on the left  B。 on the right  C。 in the middle   D。 in the back    
    (  ) 2。When you want to cross a street; you must look to  first。    
    A。 the left  B。 the right  C。 the front   D。 the back    
    (  ) 3。The streets become very busy in the morning and evening because 。    
    A。 people go to work  B。 people come from work  C。 people go shopping  D。 both A and B    
    (  ) 4。In England it is very interesting to 。    
    A。look at the traffic lights  B。 cross the streets    
    C。 look at the busy streets in the morning    
    D。 sit on the second floor of a big bus and see the beautiful city    

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