


魔法英语同步阅读(初二)- 第3部分

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     Goodbye for now。    
    Yours;Li Ming  Date: 29/09 9∶12 pm    
    Dear Li Ming;    
    Thank you for your email! I love autumn; too。 In Canada; we have an autumn festival called Thanksgiving。 Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together。 I will go to my grandmother and grandfather’s house。 My uncles; aunts and their child ren will be there; too。 Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October。 In the USA; they celebrate Thanksgiving in late November。 Have a good time on your birthday; Li Ming! On my birthday; I have a cake with candles。 Everyone sings “Happy Birthday。” Then I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake on your birthday?Your friend;Jenny    
    1。 celebration n。 庆祝    
    2。 candle n。 蜡烛    
    3。 blow v。 吹    
    (  ) 1Li Ming’s birthday is 。    
    A。 on National DayB。 on ThanksgivingC。 after autumnD。 in October    
    (  ) 2Americans celebrate Thanksgiving  later than Canadians。    
    A。 about two monthsB。 more than two monthsC。 one monthD。 less than one month    
    (  ) 3What do Canadians usually do in Thanksgiving?    
    A。 They are busy shopping。B。 They have more free time。    
    C。 They get their families together。 D。 Each of them has a chicken。    
    (  ) 4When everyone begins to ; Jenny blows out the candles。    
    A。 celebrate Thanksgiving    
    B。 sing “Happy Birthday。” C。 eat the cake D。 sit at the table    
    (  ) 5Li Ming and Jenny use  to write to each other。    
    A。Paper B。 netC。 computersD。 Pens    

Unit 3  Autumn festivals Passage 3  完形填空

    In the US。 Mother’s Day is a holiday on the second Sunday in May。 It is a 1 when children give their mothers cards; presents and flowers。    
    One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is 2 your mother a day off。 Let her 3 a good rest while other members of the family do the housework。    
    Many families begin Mother’s Day 4 breakfast in bed。 Usually dad and the children will let mum sleep late as they go into the kitchenand get ready 5 her favourite meal。 A Mother’s Day     
    breakfast can be anything your mum likes。    
    After the food is cooked; keep everything nicely on a plate。 6 to put the bottle with only one flower。 With spring here; the children can pick up the nicest flower from the garden outside。 When everything 7 ready; carefully carry the plate and mum’s favourite books 8 newspapers up to her bedroom。 Cards and small presents from the children can be put on the plate before they are given to mum in bed。    
    Many families take mum out 9 her favourite restaurant for a meal。 It is a good day to let your mum rest and let her see 10 a wonderful family she has。    
    kitchen n。厨房通读短文选出一个最佳答案    
    (  )1A。 weekB。 monthC。 dayD。 year    
    (  )2A。 givenB。 To iveC。 givesD gave    
    (  )3A。 havingB。 hasC。 haveD。 to have    
    (  )4A。 withB。 ofC。 inD。 at    
    (  )5A。 withB。 toC。 forD。 in    
    (  )6A。 Not forgetBforgetD。 Don’t forget    
    (  )7A。 isB。 beC。 areD。 does    
    (  )8A。 andB。 orC。 butD。 no    
    (  )9A。 atB。 inC。 toD。 with    
    (  )10A。 howB。 whatC。 isD。 that    

Unit 3  Autumn festivals Passage 4  判断正误  

    Do you like Christmas Day? In most western countries it is the most important day in the year。 All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children。    
    On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere。 The ringing bells tell people: Christmas iscoming。 People sing and dance day and night。 They have a good time。    
    Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children。 And there are presents hanging from the tree here and there。 People also put presents in their children’sstockings。 In many places Father Christmas himself brings presents to them。 He is a kind old man。 He’s in red clothes; with a big bag on his back。 In the bag there are a lot of presents。    
    Christmas is also a day when people enjoy all kinds of food。 But some poor people still have no homes to go back to and have no food to eat。 They even die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day。 Have you read the story“A Little Match Girl”? She died on the morning of Christmas Day。    
    1。 stocking n。 长统袜    
    2。 match n。火柴    
    (  )1People usually plant Christmas trees in the gardens。    
    (  )2Christmas Day is a Children’s Day。    
    (  )3Some poor people don’t have homes to go back to and don’t havefood to eat。    
    (  )4Children like Father Christmas because he brings beautiful things to them。    
    (  )5“A Little Match Girl” was born on the morning of Christmas Day。    

Unit 3  Autumn festivals参考答案

    Passage 1    
    1。 B真正代表中国特色的食品是饺子。    
    2。 C作者最爱吃的饺子馅是蔬菜和猪肉的,从文章第二段可以看出。    
    3。 C当人们较忙碌的时候可以到超市去买饺子,然后回家煮熟蘸醋吃。    
    4。 Dvinegar的汉语意思是“醋”。    
    5。 C在旧社会人们不常吃饺子,除非是在过年,那是因为当时人们太穷了。    
    Passage 2    
    1。 D第一封email的最后说明Li Ming的生日是在十月。    
    2。 A美国人庆祝感恩节是在11月末,而加拿大人在10月初。    
    3。 C从第二封email能够看出在加拿大全家人总是一起庆祝感恩节。    
    4。 B吹蜡烛前大家都开始唱 “Happy Birthday。”。    
    5。 C因这两封都是email,所以应该是用电脑发的。    
    Passage 3    
    1。 C母亲节指的是一天,故选C。    
    2。 B动词不定式作表语,如我们学过的句子:My job is to feed the animals。    
    3。 Clet sb。 do sth。,只有have是动词原形。    
    4。 Abegin with sth。 以……开始。    
    5。 Cget ready for为……做准备,在此指爸爸孩子们为妈妈准备她最喜欢的食物。    
    6。 D祈使句的否定形式以Don’t开头。    
    7。Aeverything 作主语,相当于第三人称单数,故用is。    
    9。Ctake sb。 to     
    Passage 4    
    1。 F西方过圣诞节时,经常替孩子们买棵圣诞树,并非在花园里种圣诞树。    
    2。 F圣诞节是西方国家一年中最重要的节日,并不只是孩子们的节日。    
    3。 T即使是在圣诞节,有些穷人依然无家可回,没有东西可吃。    
    4。 T圣诞老人给孩子们带去漂亮的礼物,因此孩子们非常喜欢圣诞老人。    
    5。 F《卖火柴的小女孩》是安徒生的著名的童话故事,小女孩由于家里很穷,不得不在平安夜里在大街上卖火柴,于圣诞节早晨冻死在大街上。    

Unit 4   On the farm Passage 1。 阅读理解一

    Henry Lane    
    Henry Lane is a farmer。 He and his wife;Ruth;live on the farm all their lives。Henry’s farmhouse isn’t large; but it’s very nice。Look!That’s the barn down there。They keep horses and cows there。 They have fifteen cows and six horses。 Right now they have three calves。This is the chicken house。 They have two roosters and twenty hens。They have a few ducks and turkeys; too。 They always have enough eggs for the family。 They don’t have any pigs。 But they have about a dozen sheep。 That’s the pasture。 And those are the fields over there。 They grow fruits and vegetables。 They also grow wheat and corn。 They like to farm。 They often say;“Farming is a healthy life。”    
    1。 all one’s life 一生;终身    
    2。 barn n。 农仓;谷仓;(牲口)棚    
    3。 right now 此时;此刻    
    4。 calf n。小牛    
    5。 rooster n。 公鸡    
    6。 turkey n。 火鸡    
    7。dozen n。(一)打    
    8。pasture n。 牧场    
    9。healthy adj。 健康的;健壮的    
    (  )1。Henry’s farm house is 。    
    A。big     B。smalll     C。large     D。little    
    (  )2。They keep horses and cows 。    
    A。in the barn      B。in the field     C。in the Chicken house      D。in the pasture    
    (  )3。They have about  sheep。    
    A。ten     B。eleven     C。twelve     D。twenty    
     (  )4。They grow  in the fiel  D。    
    A。trees  B。fruits and vegetables  C。wheat and corn  D。both B and C    
    (  )5。They like to farm because 。    
    A。they are farmers  B。they think farming is a healthy life    
    C。their home is on the farm  D。they have some fields    

Unit 4   On the farmPassage 2。 阅读理解二

    I know a black boy called Tom。 His father is a farm worker。 He works on a big farm in the middle of America。 Tom’s farther and mother work hard for the farmer day and night; but they get a little。 So they are poor。 Tom has a younger brother and a younger sister。 The family need Tom’s help。 On Sundays Tom can’t play in the park like other children。 He has to stay at home to look after his sister or help his parents work on the farm。 Little Tom knows China。 “How happy the Chinese children are!”He often says。“I like China very much。 I will go to China some day。”Tom is such a poor; twelve…year old black boy。    
    (  )1。There are people in Tom’s family。    
    A。three  B。four  C。five  D。six    
    (  )2。Tom’s parents are both 。    
    A。workers  B。farmers  C。teachers  D。doctors    
    (  )3。In the passage; the sentence“…… they get a little。”means(意思是)“”。    
    A。…… they get a little food from
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