


魔法英语同步阅读(初二)- 第2部分

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ow talking about the Great Wall。 The other people are listening to him。 They like the Great Wall and want to see it very much。    
    (  )1It is  on Sunday morning。    
    A。 bad  B。 sunny  C。 sun  D。 badly    
    (  )2 are going to the Great Wall。    
    A。 The Browns  B。 Mr Brown  C。 Mrs Brown   D。 Mr Brown and his wife    
    (  )3 are  Mr and Mrs Brown’s friends。    
    A。 AmericansB。 Englishmen and Englishwomen C。 CanadiansD。 all of above    
    (  )4The woman driver comes from 。    
    A。 CanadaB。 EnglandC。 AmericaD。 China    
    (  )5Which is NOT true?    
    A。 The student in the bus speaks English well。    
    B。 The student is telling them something about the Great Wall。    
    C。 They can’t have fun visiting the Great Wall。    
    D。 They want to see the Great Wall very much。    

Unit 2  What are we going to do? Passage 2 阅读理解二

    A poor man has an orange tree in his garden。 There are many fine oranges on it。 He finds one of the oranges much bigger than the others。 It is as big as a ball。The poor man takes the orange to the king。 The king is very happy。 He gives hima lot of money。 A rich man hears of this。 He takes his gold cup to the king。 He hopes to get much more money from the king。 The king likes the cup ver    
    y much。 He says; “This cup is very nice。 I am going to show you something nicer。 Please take this orange。”The rich man is very angry and throws the orange away。    
    (  )1The poor man     
    A。 grows an orange treeB。 can make money C。 makes cupsD。 sells fruit    
    (  )2The king  the orange。    
    A。 doesn’t likeB。 Likes C。 wants to buy D。 wants to sell    
    (  )3The rich man wants to get  from the king。    
    A。 the orangeB。 the tree C。 more moneyD。 the gold cup    
    (  )4The king gives the rich man。    
    A。 much money  B。 the cup  C。 the garden  D。 the orange    
    (  )5The rich man the orange。    
    A。 throws awayB。 likesC。 wants to eat D。 wants to sell    

Unit 2  What are we going to do?Passage 3 完形填空

    Mr Going…to…do    
    The Browns are the Smiths’neighbours;Mr Brown’s name is John。 But when his ne    
    ighbours talk 1him; they 2 him “Mr Going…to…do”。 Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something;3 never does it。Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to the Smiths back door and talks to Mr Smith。“I 4 clean my house today;” he says; or“I am going to wash my car tomorrow。” or“The trees 5 my house are too big。 I am going to cut them down next week。”    
    Mr Smith usually says“Are you; John?” He knows his neighbour isn’t going to clean his house;or wash his car; or cut down any trees。 Then he says; “Well; excuse me; John; I am going to do some work in the house。” And 6 he does。 Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only 7Dick;“ Are you going to do something? Then 8 it。 Don’t 9 10 ‘Mr Going…to…do’!”    
    1。 neighbour n。 邻居    
    2。 cut v。 砍    
    (  )1A。 withB。 toC。 aboutD。 in    
    (  )2A。 callB。 shoutC。 calledD。 shouted    
    (  )3A。 andB。 soC。 orD。 but    
    (  )4A。 going toB。 am going toC。 am goingD。 going    
    (  )5A。 in the front ofB。 in the frontC。 in front of D。 atthe front    
    (  )6A。 soB。 tooC。 butD。 either    
    (  )7A。 child’sB。 childsC。 childD。 children    
    (  )8A。 doesB。 doC。 doingD。 to do    
    (  )9A。 isB。 amC。 areD。 be    
    (  )10A。 oneB。 anotherC。 the otherD。 Others    

Unit 2  What are we going to do?Passage 4 回答问题

    Tom is a pupil。 He is always absentminded in class。 His father and mother always tell him to listen to the teacher carfully in class。 “Don’t be absentminded again。” His teachers think a lot to change him。“Look at us when you are in class。 Don’t be absentminded。”Tom answers;“OK; I will。”    
    One day; Tom is in the English class。 He is looking out of the window and smiling。 His English teacher asks the class; “Say two pronouns; please。Please answer my question。” Tom looks at his teacher in surprise and stands up;“Who? Me?”“Good; sit down; please。”    
    1。 pupil n。 小学生    
    2。 absentminded adj。 心不在焉的    
    3。 change v。 改变    
    4。 smiling v。 微笑    
    5。 pronouns n。 代词    
    6。 in surprise 吃惊地    
    1。 Is Tom a good pupil?    
    2。 Is Tom going to change himself?    
    3。 What is Tom doing when the teacher asks the question?    
    4。 What words are “me” and “who”?    
    5。 Do you think Tom is going to do well in his English exam?    

Unit 2  What are we going to do?参考答案

    Passage 1    
    1。 Bsunny与fine在此同义,都指天气晴好。    
    2。 A姓的复数形式前加定冠词表示一家人。    
    3。 D从文章第一段得知同车的有美国人、英国人,还有加拿大人。    
    4。 D从文章第二段得知这位女司机是位中国人。    
    5。 C排除法,通读全文可知全车人肯定玩得很开心,而C表达了他们不可能过得愉快,故C是不对的。    
    Passage 2    
    1。 A这位穷人在他的花园里种了一棵桔子树。    
    2。 B国王由于很喜欢这个大桔子,所以奖赏他很多钱。    
    3。 C这位富人献给国王金杯,是为了得到更多的钱。    
    4。 D国王并没有给这位富人很多钱,反而把这个桔子送给了他。    
    5。 A富人既失望又生气,把桔子给扔了。    
    Passage 3    
    1。 Ctalk about谈及、谈论。    
    2。 Acall sb。称呼某人,在这里指当他的邻居们谈到他时,都称他为“Mr Going…to…do”。    
    3。 D表示转折意义,从never一词也可看出。    
    4。 B打算做某事,体现了文章的重点,总是计划而从来不实干。    
    5。 Cin front of指在外部的前面,in the front of指内部的前面。    
    6。 A表示不只口头说,确实也做了,so在此指do some work in the house。    
    7 C独生子女是only child,用单数名词形式。    
    8 B祈使句以动词原形开头。    
    9 D助动词don’t后跟动词原形be。    
    10 Banother指众多范围内的“又一个,再一个”。    
    Passage 4    
    1。 No; he isn’t。 Tom上课总是心不在焉,不会是好学生。    
    2。 No; he isn’t。 Tom没有改掉毛病,在英语课上仍然向窗外看。    
    3。 He is looking out of the window and smiling。 见文章第二段第二句话。    
    4。 They are pronouns。 老师让他说出两个代词,Tom误打误撞上了。可见,me; who是代词。    
    5。 No; I don’t think so。 Tom上课不专心,学习不认真,考试当然不会好。    

Unit 3  Autumn festivalsPassage 1 阅读理解一

    The Real Chinese Food    
    In China; therere many different kinds of food。 Some of them are very popular。The real Chinese food is dumplings。 Now let’s talk about them;OK? Everyone in China likes dumplings very much; and there are many different kinds of dumplings。 Some have meat and vegetables in them; others have sugar; eggs and so on。 I like dumplings with vegetables and pork better than any other kind。    
    Usually people make dumplings at home。 If you have no time to make them; you can buy them from any supermarket。 Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar。    
    The Spring Festival is very important in China。 When it comes; we make dum plings; usually we put a coin in a dumpling。 If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it; he will be lucky in the year。    
    In the old days; people couldn’t often eat dumplings; because they were very poor。 Now our country is becoming stronger and stronger; and our people are richer and richer。 We can eat them very often。    
    Now tell me; do you like dumplings?    
    Welcome to China; well invite you to eat the real Chinese food—dumplings。    
    1。 sugar n。 糖    
    2。 and so on 等等    
    3。 the Spring Festival 春节    
    4。 coin n。 硬币    
    (  )1In China; thereal Chinese food is 。    
    A。 noodlesB。 dumplingsC。 mooncakesD。 vegetables    
    (  )2The writer likes dumplings with  best。    
    A。 meatB。 Seafood C。 vegetables and porkD。 vegetables    
    (  )3You can buy dumplings from the supermarket when。    
    A。 you have timeB。 you are tired    
    C。 you are busyD。 you are hungry    
    (  )4The word“vinegar” in the sentence means 。    
    A。 糖B。 酱油C。 辣椒D。 醋    
    (  )5Which of the sentence is NOT true?    
    A。 The Chinese like dumplings very much。    
    B。 If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it; he will be lucky in the year。    
    C。 In the old days; people often eat dumplings because thay are poor。    
    D。 Now people are richer and they often eat dumplings。    

Unit 3  Autumn festivals Passage 2 阅读理解二

    Date: 29/09 8∶02 pm    
    Hello; Jenny! I love autumn! The Midautumn Festival is in the autumn。 We will watch the moon tonight; and look for Change and Wu Gang。 My mother buys mooncakes; and I have eaten many of them! National Day is also in the autumn; on October    
    1。 My mother and father aren’t going to work for seven days! We are going to do many things together。 I like going to the National Day Celebration。 But the best thing in autumn is my birthday; it is in October。 I will be fifteen years old。    
     Goodbye for now。    
    Yours;Li Ming  Date: 29/09 9∶12 pm    
    Dear Li Ming;    
    Thank you for your email! I love autumn; too。 In Ca
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